Thursday 27 June 2024

Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Yesterday we had an opportunity to facilitate with Ms Frederick and Florence, the workshop was about Inclusive Teaching and Learning of Children it was for Head Teachers working under KCCA primary schools 

Inclusive teaching and learning is essential for ensuring that all children have access to quality education and opportunities to succeed. By creating a more inclusive environment, we can help children reach their full potential and foster a sense of belonging and acceptance. This workshop aims to provide head teachers with the knowledge and tools to create inclusive classrooms that support the diverse needs of all children.

Tuesday 25 June 2024


On behalf of our Children Reachout, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to #KCCARubaga for your generous donation of a wheelchair to support our special child. Your thoughtful contribution has made a significant impact on our student’s daily life, providing greater mobility and independence.

Your support is a testament to your commitment to inclusivity and enhancing the lives of individuals with special needs. We are incredibly grateful for your kindness and the positive difference you have made. #EveryChildMatters

Thursday 6 June 2024

Girls Secondary Education

The program to increase access to education for girls in Uganda, as well as to create a safe and supportive learning environment for them. This includes providing scholarships, school supplies, and mentorship to help girls overcome barriers to education such as poverty, early marriage, and discrimination.

The Girls Education Program aims to break the cycle of poverty, improve health outcomes, and empower girls to become leaders in their communities. Through education, these girls are given the opportunity to create a better future for themselves and their families.

Overall, the Children Reachout Uganda Girls Education Program is committed to ensuring that every girl has the opportunity to receive a quality education and achieve her dreams. #Celebrating50GirlsInHighSchool

Monday 3 June 2024

Children with Special Needs

In communities where people face challenges to provide for their own basic needs, Education for a child with disability is not an option. 

Girls with disability often have no chance in accessing an Education, Child Abuse, Early Pregnancy, Defilement and marriage are common 

Children with disability face multiple forms discrimination, the attitude towards the Education of girls is still negative and the inability of the Education system ensures quality education for girls with disability through providing an accessible inclusive learning environment renders the girls more vulnerable

The inclusive Education Program provides direct education support to children with special needs.

Today you can change a child's life