Monday 30 March 2020

Day4 Covid19

#Day4 #Covid19 as an organization we have many children on education sponsorship and many of them are in candidate classes #BoldMove we managed to deliver for them #TextBooks of different subjects at their homes to keep revising their books until schools open again, we did all this since our community children can't afford online learning #StayHome #StaySafe #KeepChildrenLearning

Saturday 28 March 2020


#Day3 #Covid19 #StaySafe #StayHome
Our core is #Education we believe every child should have an opportunity of education because it's their right, Today we managed to deliver work (catch up program) to our 250 children in different communities from primary 4 to primary 7
This time work was delivered to children's homes because we are encouraging our children to stay home #Covid19 Solutions to the situation

Monday 16 March 2020

Porridge Program 2

#Investing in fighting against #Malnutrition will not only save lives but will also yield high economic results #Every shillings we invest in nutrition will results in economic benefit. #Nutrition plays a crucial role in the development of any country. #Lastweekend our area OC Operations from #UPF joined our serving team for Porridge Program. #InvestingInChildren #MidlandGroup #Porridge4EveryChild #FightingAganistMalnutrition #Community

Monday 9 March 2020

Children Porridge Program

Good Nutrition is the bedrock of Child Survival, Health and Development, Well-nourished children are better able to Grow, Learn, Resilient of Diseases, Participate and Contribute to the Community.
#Everyyear many children die due to #undernutrition others chronic #malnutrition which results into stuned an irreversible condition that literally stunts the physical and cognitive growth of children.
The good news is that we can change this.
#LastWeekend Together with #MidlandGroupOfCompanies we launched a #ChildrenPorridgeProgram which will be benefit #200 Community Children for start. #EveryChildMatter #PorridgeForEveryChild #Community

Sunday 1 March 2020

Dr Ash

#DrAsh, Health teeth are important to our children overall health. They help children eat, talk and smile. Strong oral care helps set good dental habits as a child grow.
#Yesterday we had an opportunity of hosting #DrAsh all the way from #UK and team, he gave free workshop sessions to our community children about how to brush teeth, when to brush your teeth, how to protect your teeth, he also shared with the children on how to wash hands, when you should wash hands. Dr Ash and team #Donated #toothbrushes, #toothpaste and #soap to #150Community Children #LifeSkills #Community #WorkShop #Hygiene